Teruhisa Kadokami (OCAMI, Osaka City University)
Title: How to use the Reidemeister torsion

Firstly, we give the definition of the Reidemeister torsion, and explain basic properties, following V.~G.~Turaev. Secondly, we consider the Reidemeister torsion of a homology lens space, which is the result of $p/q$-surgery along a knot $K$ in a homology $3$-sphere $\Sigma$. We denote the homology lens space by $\Sigma (K;p/q)$. Main Theorem 1 is the case that $K$ is a torus knot in $S^3$. Main Theorem 2 is the case that the Alexander polynomial of $K$, ${\mit \Delta}_K(t)$, is degree 2. We judge when the homology lens spaces are homeomorphic to lens spaces by using the Reidemeister torsion.